Good People are important 💛

 Good People important 💛

I observed a family. In which a father works hard for the family. The mother who is homemaker energies the family every day with her works. 

* Father had a friend who always influences the father regarding the family and money. Which makes the father frustrate and that makes him lose control. 

Because of that frustration, nearly twice a month punishes the mother for silly reasons. 

Because of that, the children fear for the dad they won't even talk properly or openly. 

Even the father is a caring person kids fear for him. 

*😃 later another friend entered into the father life who changed him a lot. He encourages his father to make  good money, and supportive. 

He explained the father to how should behave with the kids, how he should be with his wife and said about the importance of family. 

By that father changed a lot. The whole family became happier. Now the children are open up and speaking with the father 😃. 

Children lost fear towards the father. Fear changed towards respect. 

Good people are important. Choose the good one 🙃


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