Will power ⚡⚡

In a cool morning when I went to jogging. There I observed a dog which is usually be in ground everyday. Which is very small. 

But in the next day a group of monkeys came to the ground and enjoying in their manner. 

Dog is also enjoying like the past days. 

But all of sudden monkey attacked the dog without the reason. The dog is very small one but the monkey is very big. 

Even though dog trying to fight with the monkey as much as it can. 

But the monkey are social animals. By observing the fight between the monkey and dog they entered in to the fight. 

But this time those are not fighting monkeys are chattering and dog is barking. 

This went nearly 10 minutes. 

Finally monkeys left that place and went away. 

** How much size you are  and How many of their your opposite is not important. 

So, if your write stand on that until last moment. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

๐Ÿ˜ƒ Why can't you win. Stand on that ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


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