Don't Judge quickly

 Don't judge quickly... 

Do you judge the people quickly? 

I think you won't 

But I had done this often. Very recently I judged a person in a wrong manner. 

I am person who is a member of  Thop Ecell. We are learning about the Agritechniques together a group of few members. In that I had met a person who asked about our works and checking about us. But I hadn't done he just asked and said okay do it. 

But I thought that in a negative manner. He is questioning like that I thought but I hadn't thought in positive way he want to make us strong and make us to learn from domain. 

Later I spoke with him for a 30 minutes. I came to know How humble he is and how he is caring about all of us and he advising in a well manner. 

Later we have a great conversations with him and said many important things and he is ready to answer and solve the queries of our friendsk.I came to kown at that time how patient he is . 

Initially I thought in a negative manner later I  got a chance to speak for an half an hour with him. May be if not I may carry that negative thoughts in my mind. 

So as per my experience don't let in those negative thoughts. Those may make you to miss number of happy situations. 

Yes, initially I judged him in a negative way. Later I came to know that he is very humble, he is very kind, he is very friendly nature, he is trying to make us strong and perfect.

😊 :) 😊

So, if you are also a type of me. Don't judge the someone quickly. 

😊:) 😊


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