I just want to attend the meet πŸ˜ƒ

 I just want to attend the meet.

Do you believe that interactions can make miracles? 

 Even I don't believe that but made me to  believe through an experience. 

Even though you won't believe interactions can make miracles once try to do that. 

This is the situation that happened after 10 days when I had joined E - cell.

Initially, sir explained about the six sigma and basic knowledge about that and sir want to teach us the tools and how can we use that in our daily life. 

Later I decided to join that and one of our seniors had sent a document related to the course and advised us to come up with one project. Relating it to the points given in the documents and gave us a time of 4 days. 

As the days going I didn't understand anything and I hadn't had any project related to that finally the submission day had come. 

So, Triveni akka said that before we submit it evening shall we discuss our project. Then everyone is accepted with that and they all are ready with those projects. 

But I don't know what should I do. So I want to attend even anything I may get by discussing with them I thought. 

Then Shivani akka said to Triveni akka why can't you explain that those who do not understand can get an idea. Then immediately Triveni akka explained and we all have interacted with the Triveni akka. I got a thought to do a project while the meeting is going and I explained it to the team they agreed. 

I attended a meet with a blank. But left meeting with 3 ideas this is due to interactions. 

So, once you too try to interact with the people around you. You can observe a change 😊

😊 :) 😊


  1. Wow!! Great experience... World need this kind of stories..! Thank you soo much kranthi for sharing


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