Give A broad smile 😃

 How much money you need to spend to smile. 

How many people may hurt if you smile. 
Is any one hating you if you smile. 

No, No, No, No... 

Are you able to smile ? 

I can smile and you can smile everyone can smile. 😄😁😃

Give a broad smile 😎. 

Smile can change someone's mood and make comfortable. One smile can connect more and more people with you. 

Try to give a smile when someone shouts at you. It is little bit difficult but try to do that 😇. 
Try to give a smile when you woke up. 😃
Try to give a smile when you are going to sleep 😃. 
Try to give a smile when your doing conversation with some one else 😃. 
Try to give a smile in a public 😃. 

I want to share the situation. When I am in my intermediate. I am a last second bencher. When our two last Back Benchers are disturbed while the chemistry class going on. Suddenly sir had stopped the teaching class and became angry on us. 
Why I don't know suddenly I gave a broad smile. It made the sir cool and forgotten about the situation and gave compliment that I like your smile. Thanks ra for that 😇. 

The mood of the sir changed due to broad smile 😃. 

🌚 our smile is free of cost
🌚 our smile can adjust so many members. 
🌚 Even you look more beautiful when you smile. 

I know you all smile. But try to smile more and more 🌚

😊 :) 😊


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