Politeness can create great impact πŸ˜€

 Politeness can create great impact. 

Yes, I believe this some of the situations made me to believe this. 

Do you believe this? 

If you continue this and we can create a lot of impacts.

If not try to start from now.

 You can enjoy the situations how can they create a impact. 

Now, I want to share situation which happened and made me to believe this. 

Last time I went with my neighbour to bank to deposit money and the sir who is taking money is very harsh towards the people and I am just watching those all from a side. 

I thought he is behaving like this due to work pressure. 

But this time I went alone to deposit money. Last time I had seen that how harsh he is towards the people. 

While going slightly I felt fear but I went to him and wished him Good Morning and he smiled and replied good morning. 

He spoke with me in a cool manner and asked for a credit card I gave him he done his further works and return my card and slip with a

 cool smile. 

Later I thanked him again he smiled. 

I came out from their. 

This way politeness created a major impact. 

I thought he will be harsh with me too but it doesn't happened instead he smiled and spoke well. 

This all due to politeness. So, please maintain the politeness which can change you and others too πŸ˜ƒ

😊:) 😊


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