It may be small for a giver. But it is very big for the reciever

 It may be small for giver. 

But it is very big for the reciever. 

Hello Happy People. 

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Are you a giver

 If yes, I appreciate you. 

You are doing a great job. 

If No, I appreciate you and advice you to become a giver. 

When you give you may think it is very small thing but the reciever knows the value of that 😃. 

If you gave pen for a friend in exam hall. 

If you gave a water for person who is thirsty beside you. 

If you gave a food for a person, who is hunger. 

If you gave your love to person who needs that. 

If you gave your care towards a opposite person. 

Then ultimately you are my superstar 😍. 

Let me share a story which happened in my life. 

I went to bank and returning to the home. While coming I thought to help someone, but I couldn't finding any one to help. 

Later, one aunt came and asked a mobile, I felt very happy and gave her my mobile. 

She is a marketer of vim bar, she called and she is very happy and she gave my phone back. 

I said thanks to her, she surprised and said I should say thanks to you nana. 

No aunty, I thought to help someone but no one is not appeared to me you came and asked me thanks for that I said. 

Here, I just gave my mobile. 

how much she benifited I don't know. But I had seen a fully blush of face on that day. 

So, we may think that it is very small. But reciever knows the value of that. 

Thank you 



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