Dare to Do 😊

 Dare to Do. 

Hello Happy people,  Thank you for visiting my blog. 

Are you doing dare to do something? 

If not, try to do that? 

Everything will be fine after we do something darely.

Most of the time we fear to do something. 

We fear to take initial step. 

We fear to speak infront of the Thop people or public. 

We fear to speak with our parents to sometime. 

We fear to show love sometime. 

We fear to speak with Dear ones. 

We fear to enjoy our valuable time. 

But, Remove fobea from all of you and  Do dare to Do above things. 

Don't worry about the result everything will be fine, rest of the life will be fine. 

I want to share one thing with you. 

As part of I am Thop Ecell I got a opportunity to do AI and ML. I have plenty of doubts whether I can do that Or not, I don't know I can balance or not. 

I don't know how should I learn,  I don't how should I move on. 

Even though,  I thought whole  night and how it helps me and how it add value to me. 

I said yes to learn. 

Now everything is fine. 

Everything is going well. 

I had done that darely to do. 

So rest of the things are going well and everything is going favourable to me. 

I think same like this happens for everyone  dare to do things. 

You can enjoy much later. 

Speak infront of public, later you can get happiness by beautiful comments. 

Dare to show your love later you get a beautiful from others. 

Some times dare to enjoy your valuable time it creates a magical memories which you won't forget. 

Hope you all will do this πŸ˜ƒ

Thank you 



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