But Why ?

 But Why? 

Hello happy people 

Hope you all are doing great. 

I am back ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜‡

๐ŸŒšHave you done anything without any valid reason

๐ŸŒšHave you lost yourselves or lose something for the sake of others

๐ŸŒšHave you spent your precious time for others

๐ŸŒšHave you worried about others how they are doing. 

Strong Yes I will get from you all I know ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Yes, we will do anything for our people or when we feel others like our friends or ours. 

I hope many of you have many situations like this. 

But why??? ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

Why you are spending your valuable time on them? 

Why you are losing yourselves for others? 

Are they caring about the things that you are doing? 

My answers

Because we feel happy when we see happiness in our friend's face or our people's face. 

At that time, we won't feel like we are losing ourselves. 

We will boldly do the things and later we will think about the things that had happened. 

When we are doing things we won't even care what is happening around us. 

Maybe they may care or not it gives happiness to us and they become happy with our activities. They may care or not just do the things. 

You can create lots of happiness for you and to the peopfor around you ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

I will share one of the situations. 

This happened with my friend. 

My friend is not feeling from the last day. 

I checked on my friend how my friend is doing often. 

My friend said that doing well and everything is okay. 

I went to class the next day, but I can't see my friend there.

I don't know what had happened? 

It raised many questions in my mind 

How my friend is doing

Is my friend doing well or just to see the happiness or not to worry my friend said in that way I hadn't understood? 

Then I called my friend and asked how you are doing.

Then my friend said I am doing very bad. I am not feeling well. 

I don't know why. I am in Maths class immediately I borrowed money from another friend (Friend 2) and went out from the class and said to Friend that I am already in the market shall I bring Some medicines for you. 

Maybe you may feel well by taking those in the way I said. 

My friend accepted because my friend thought I am already in the market. But My friend doesn't know that I came out of class๐Ÿคฃ

My friend accepted the medicine then I went to the market and brought a few medicines and called my friend and said that you are not feeling well na send one of your friends I will send the medicines with your friend. 

Then my friend sent another friend (Friend 3) and gave medicines for friend 3 and thanked friend 3 for coming and taking those. 

Then I went back to my room. 

I hadn't gone to class ๐Ÿคฃ

I know it will be complete for sure. 

But why? 

Just to see My friend happiness. 

Yes, when we feel like ours we will take many bold decisions ๐Ÿ˜ƒ. 

I know you people also have many situations. 

I hope I reminded those all for you 

Thank you 



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