Tired Brain

 Tired Brain 

Everyone have their own priorities. 

Is we really need priorities? 

What is called Priority? 

Is priorities really plays the major role in our lives?

Is priorities make us to feel low and guit? 

Why one should have their priorities? 

Is priority will be only for one or it can exceed.

Even I had my priorities in my earlier days. 

When we give priority to someone is they feel happy? 

The one who is not in our priority list may care you much and connect to you much 

Then can you change your priority list for the sake of them or will you hurt them by IGNORING them continuously. 

How we should speak with the people? 

If we speak good they may connect and they may raise their expectations on the particular person..

Is we speak rude they think we have attitude and we are not so good.. 

Here who is "they"

They -- people. 

Should we really care what the people are thinking or not?

Some people don't even think about what the surrounding says 

Some people make happy themselves and judge themselves by listening to people 

In which type we should be? 

When I have priorities I am very happy.

Now, I don't have lot much priorities but I am not so happy. 

I am with many questions 😅.


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