Be like a kid 💛

 Be like a child when you are learning new things. 

This is shared by one of my team member. 

Because child will never quit, he will be with never giving attitude. 

How many times he may fall, he will get up again and start walking or he will start trying to walk. 

But he won't ignore or Don't stop trying by that he will walk slowly after many falls and later he will run as the days goes. 

So, when you are learning new things what ever it may be be like a kid. 

How many times you may fall, please get up and start smiling and keep on try. 

May be you are unable to crawl in that field now, but I am sure as the days goes you will be going to run miles and miles In that particular activity. 

Fall then again get up 

Fall then again get up 

Fall them again get up 

And start doing Dear ❤

One day you won't fall, for sure you will reach your destiny.

Not only the Never giving up attitude they will work with heart. 

They will be pure with heart. 

That make them to give their best and keep their efforts more. 

But comes to us, we can't keep that efforts. 

We fear for the things happening around us. 

We fear because if we do this people judge us. 

We fear to take step forward because we know the obstacles which we are going to face in our next step. 

We fear to enjoy because we feel if we enjoy now we should work hard in future. 

But when we are child we don't have that many thoughts and we don't have that many obstacles which are stopping us. So, we unable to work through heart. 

We just do our works sometimes as a formality. 

But when we do our works with heart, it will make us more energising and it make us to do again and again. 

Yesterday, I observed my friend brother is cleaning house (water house) (Nalla). He is enjoying the process of doing, he is dancing in that he is cleaning that by dancing. 

He is Jumping in that and doing it in a energising way. 

At the end he done with the cleaning and he is so happy. 

He is not feeling like he done the work. 

But when I come to our age people we just went to that we will clean and we will come out from that place it is not so memorable also. 

It is like they gave me work I done. 

So, here that child made me to pay my attention towards him 🤩

So, just do the things with heart and be like a kid while learning something new 🤩🤞

Enjoy the process of learning. Don't feel anything like a work. 

Love it and do it, then say thanks to me 😌. 

Thank you 



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