Friendships πŸ’›

 Connections and Friendships are very important. 

I know you all people will have friends at least 1 or atmost 1000-2000 πŸ˜πŸ˜….

I have few friends. 

Some of you may like to have more numbers of Friends and some of you may like to have qualitative friends. 

I always prefer qualitative friends then quantity. 

I can say that I have this many friends for today, may be I don't know who will stay with me and understands me as the situation goes. 

So, I prefer the qualitative people who will understand me at any situation and stay with me forever. 

So, I strongly advise you people to make friends as quality wise or quantity wise but make those 🀩🀞. 

Friends are very important. 

Friends who make fun with us. 

Friends who feel happy when you succeed. 

Friends they will be with you when you are not so good. 

They will push you to make you best. 

Friends are not like a friends they will be like a family your family. 

Sacrifice many things for the sake of you, just to see happiness in your face. 

Friends means not only your age group.

There is no gender difference In Friendship, one girl can be a great friend for  a boy. 

They may be of different age group, there is no age limit  for Friendship πŸ˜…. 

Just be like the way you are and make friends. 

I can't say that they will stay with you in every happy moment but for sure they will stay with you at your harder times. 

When I am at 8 th standard I went for my mama's marriage. 

There I observed a thing, it is a marriage many people will come from different places and it's summer and people love to eat ice creams. 

I had seen that two ice creams seller's came to that place. 

Seller -1 and Seller - 2 regularly seller 1 come to that place and sell his icecreams and leave that place by evening in the process of selling his icecreams he made many friends who are not his age too. 

Seller 2 who is not aware of that place he just came on that day to that place. 

But on the day of marriage, seller 2 came first to the place then seller 1.

They both are selling their ice creams at the marriage place. 

But seller 2 not liking that seller 1 sailing his ice creams because he came first to that marriage spot so he is thinking that he should sail his icecreams first.

There happened a small clash between them and seller 1 felt fear about seller 2 and thought to leave the place. 

Seller 2 brought a ice cream and trying to pour in seller 1's book, because salt make Ice to melt and icecreams to spoil. 

Event though he comes to that place regularly another person is showing power on him and making him to leave. 

But as I mentioned seller 1 have many friends in that area. Then those people came at that moment and stood support to the seller 1 as seller 2 doesn't have Any friends in that area he became alone he done mistake so none of the people are supporting him. 

Then people made to get out that seller 2 from that place and seller 1 sold his icecreams happily and went from that place. 

Here his friends helped him to stood their and they pushed him  to sell his icecreams and they helped him in his harder times. 

Seller 2 done the rude activities, if he just stand silently and make seller 1 to sail his icecreams people go with the two but his greedyness made him to lose. 

So make your friends, it may be your gang or it may be 2-3 Friends. 

But they will be with you always.


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