Who cares πŸ™ƒ

 Hey hey Dears 

I hope you all are doing good. 

I am back with my expression 😌

We are living in a society of has a mixture of people with a Mixture of different thoughts. 

Few will judge you, few will understand the way you do. 

Few will laugh at you, few will smile looking at you. 

Few will scold you, few will admire the way you.

Few will fear of you, few will rely completely on you. 

Few will try to keep you down always, few will never let you down. 

But you are being the same to those few 😁

The only reason behind their Perspective depends on the way they live and they accept things. 

Are you getting anything when people think about you or when people judge you? 

Absolutely, No! 

Then who cares 😁

They may laugh at your dance, but you are super happy with your dance. 

They may laugh at your voice when you sing, but as you sing consistently it makes your voice sweet and smooth. 

They may laugh at your physical appearance, but you are cull when you accept the way you are. 

They may laugh at you when they hear your thoughts, trust yourself  those will disrupt the coming days

(People hadn't believed Albert Einstein too, people called him mad. But now he is one of the great scientists) 

Hey, Dear who cares about this all. 

Our Happiness matters!! 

Our Happiness matters. 

Just be the way you are. 

You are a star of your world. 

Make yourself happy, by being yourself always. 

Thank you



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