Be empty and clear or Be full and clear

 When we know everything we will be clear while listening to someone or learning something from someone or involving in the task!! 

We don't know even a bit 1% we will be clear while listening to someone or learning something from someone or involving in the task. 

In this two situations in first case we know a proper idea what is what. 

So what ever may be the discussion we have idea about that topic so we listen what are required and ignore what is not will try to bring the clarity for others if they listen we will say if not we will stop discussing, if it is a task we already have idea about the task. So, we will involve in it and accept the things going there. 

In Second case. 

We don't know anything. 

We will be clear and listen to the people to know about it, we just listen and learn from them with a single perspective or more. 

Here too we won't argue and we will be not having anyfears because we are empty and we are filling something new which is very new to us, either it may be a task if it is a task we will think that we are learning something from the task.

But when we have half knowledge about something. 

We will have a lot of fears

We will be having lot of questions

We will be confusing mostly 

Sometimes we feels it's correct and some other time we feel it may be wrong!! 


Situation is same and things are same but the perspectives are different. 

But this fears or confusions may make us to stop the journey or stop the discussion or stop the tasks. 

But this fears or confusions making us to learn about something to the half!! 

Is it? 

I don't know!! 

Is this will really happen, but it's true sometimes 😌

Knowing about something to the extent is hard and spending time is hard but when we do it the journey or task will be good 😌

To learn about something 

From my side be a empty minded Or full then half minded. 

Thank you 😁


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