
 Hello Dear Blog. 

I came up with a statement called Most of the people see the position of a person then the potential of a person. 

I gave one example for myself dear. 

Let me share my example with you my dear. 

Known story but need to be reminded. 

Two people called A and B and individually cutting the two trees of X and Y but both are provided with blunt axes and said to start work. 

They started the work and authority is coming regularly and checking secretly

The person called A started work he is cutting the tree with blunt Axe when authorities look at it, authorities feeling that he started work. 

But when it is coming to B, he started work but in a different way. 

Instead cutting the tree directly he sharping his axe but what authorities are feeling is he is not working he didn't even start work by looking at tree. 

5 days passed, A big crack is formed in X tree which is cutting by A but the cutting process is not yet started with the Y tree by B 

Authorities thought waste of giving money for the B person, they want to remove him after this project or activity. 

Then a B person sharped his axe, He had done with sharping the axe and started working on 6 day. 

In a 7 day with in two days, B person done with the cutting tree. 

 But the person A is not yet done still he is in the process. 

Authorities are very happy with the B's performance.

They are thinking now B was able to cut the tree in only 2 days but he too worked for 7 days but invested his time ni making the axe sharp. 

By seeing his position authorities thought he was not fit for that activity. 

But he too has the potential to cut it but invested in a different field so he got the results in a different way.

When we change our perspection we can see the true potential of a person. 


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