Power of Woman ✊

 Hello Dear Blog. 

It's a random thought that may be true It felt like sharing with you. 

Are women/girl really weaker than men/boy? 

I heard many people say women are weaker than men, We even stop women from doing a few jobs and we think she can't do that work and if she does that work it hurts her or it weakens her 

But is it? 

Personally I felt it's just our illusion. 

We can't compare one another. 

It's all about taking a step and giving a try. 

It's all about training our minding. 

What we feed our mind it reflects. 

For suppose 

# We think if a fight occurs between a man of equal weight and age with women in our local areas we think men wins. 

# If we make woman and men to lift a 50 kg rice bag mostly we think it is hard for woman then comparatively men. 

# If there is any work which should be done by woman by going out at 10 pm possibly we procastinate it for the next day Or will be doing it by men. 

This are just my thoughts and personally I watched in my local areas. 

Whereas a woman called Lucia Rijker (Lady tyson) fought many men. 

If she had a fight with us she can defeat us very easily. 

Even though we may have equal strength with her why we are struggling to defeat her? Why can't we defeat her like above mentioned? 

It's because of training. 

She kept all the things a side and trained she came out from comfort zone and became strong. 


Saikhom Mirabai Chanu a weight lifter, lifted a total of 201 kg in the above situation in our areas we thought if she lift the 50 kg she will become and tired and it is not good for her we are stopping them to not grow. 

We are making them to not come to the uncomfortable zone. 

Even Saikhom Mirabai kept all her fears aside and trained herself. 

It's not a motivation story or it's not a motivating writeup. 

It's a reality.

Let's realize the realities. Even you are capable of many just take a step and do it. 

Most people should realise it by coming out from the comfort zone. 

If we are Spending our time in an uncomfortable zone indirectly we are growing a lot.

Training makes a person strong either it from inside or from out. 

Be in the uncomfortable Zone and train yourself 


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