Time period πŸ™‚

 Let me tell you a story. 

A story of two colleges. 

# College A 

With Great Accommodation. 

With good classes and a good number of Faculty. 

Students are so bright and top ranked less then 1000 will be placed in the college. 

At the end of the final year students were assigned with 2-3 jobs per head in a strength of 30 . 

# College B 

With a poor accommodation 

With No proper classes and poor amount of faculty

Students of 1 lakh rank are getting placed in the college. 

In the end of final year among 30 members 3-8 members are getting placed.

I think you are having many random thoughts what were those two colleges? 

College A -- KSM

College B -- KSM 

Both the colleges are same but the time period is different. 

Why it's had become in this way!! 

End of the day reasons were reason, each one have bucket of reasons 😴

Who can change this situation, only you. 

Let's think how can you change, may be it's not possible now but for sure you can make a change in coming years. 

Let's think and keep it in your bucket list and add your thoughts how can you change!! 


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